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工商行政管理局市场监管模式研究+开题报告 第2页

更新时间:2011-9-28:  来源:毕业论文
Study of market supervising about Guanxian Industry and Commerce Administration Abstract
With the rapid development of China's market economy, and the deep reform of economic style, industrial and commercial administration plays an important and unique role in the maintenance of market economic order and the promotion of economic development, And now its functions are more and more important ,tasks more difficult, requirements more higher, especially the September 1, 2008, the nationwide abolition of the "two charges" (terminal market management fees and management fees of individual businesses), marks that the industrial and commercial administration departments have a further strengthening of duty in market supervision.
This paper takes Guanxian for example to analysis its internal and external situation, though which we found that the existing Trade and Industry Bureau Guan market regulation model are not suit to the local regulatory environment, What should Guan Industry and Commerce do to strengthen market supervision and deal with problems exist in market regulation, give full play to the market regulatory functions, regulate market behavior and choose its mode of market regulation, is the solving issue in this paper.
Keyword: Market;supervision;mode;Industry and commerce administration
目    录
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容及方法 2
2理论综述 3
2.1 监管与监管模式 3
2.2 工商行政管理局职能 3
2.3 监管领域 7
2.4 监管手段 7
3冠县工商局内外部现状 10
3.1冠县概况 10
3.2冠县工商局概况 13
3.3冠县工商局外部环境 18
3.4冠县工商局内部分析 19
4冠县工商局市场监管模式的选择 23
4.1运动式市场监管模式 23
4.2综合市场监管模式 24
4.3网格化市场监管模式 25
5冠县工商局网格化市场监管模式的实施 27
5.1明确网格化监管模式的“四定”原则 27
5.2冠县工商所网格化监管分布 29
5.3规范网格化监管模式的相关流程 37
5.4成立网格化监管模式领导小组 47
5.5明确网格化监管模式的保障机制 47
5.6建立信用分类和风险度分级监管工作制度 47
结束语 50
参考文献 51
致谢 52

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