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烟草专卖局市场营销策略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-9-15:  来源:毕业论文
1  绪    论1
   1.1 研究背景与意义..2
1.2 研究内容和方法..3
2  市场营销理论概述..3
   2.1 市场营销定义及观念3
   2.2 烟草行业营销策略研究综述5
3  鸡泽烟草营销环境分析7
   3.1 鸡泽烟草简介7
   3.2 鸡泽烟草宏观环境分析..7
   3.3 烟草行业环境分析..11
4  鸡泽烟草营销现状分析13
   4.1 鸡泽烟草发展历史概况13
   4.2 鸡泽烟草经营现状..13
   4.3 鸡泽县卷烟市场调查.14
   4.4 鸡泽烟草营销管理存在的主要问题.17
5  鸡泽烟草市场营销策略的制定.19
   5.1 鸡泽烟草市场营销策略目标.19
   5.2 鸡泽烟草STP策略.20
   5.3 渠道策略23
   5.4 促销策略25
   5.5 服务策略25
6  鸡泽烟草营销策略实施保障..28
   6.1 加强人才队伍建设,组建高素质营销队伍..28
   6.2 加强营销组织管理..29
Research on marketing strategy of Jize County tobacco monopoly bureau
Chinese tobacco industry is in these backgrounds:The formation of buyer's mar-
et,the increasing internationalization of the home market.To response the fieretce market competition,the government carried out the policy of disconnection between the manufacturers and the commerce in the domestic tobaccoindustry to raise the competitive capacity of them.
This article is intended to Jize Tobacco Company marketing system for the status of the study,reviewed the  international marketing strategies.this article is focused on the new means of the cigarette industry marketing,the analysis of Jize Tobacco Company facing macro environment Through this research,the paper concluded.In order to better cope with the future of more intense competitive environment,the flow of commerce across the country tobaccocompanies occupy a favorable position,the focus should be from the depth of the industry distribution,the establishment of consumer-oriented product strategy,in order to facilitate the strategy based on three channels. Respect to the implementation of the company's marketing strategy for the implementation of specific reform measures to strengthen the company's marketing ability. Keywords:Strategy;Consumer;Marketing     摘   要

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