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塑料制品厂员工宽带薪酬管理研究+任务书+参考文献 第3页

更新时间:2011-8-11:  来源:毕业论文
塑料制品厂员工宽带薪酬管理研究+任务书+参考文献 第3页
摘    要
论文以唐山天缘塑料制品厂为研究对象,首先,阐述本文选题背景及其意义、研究内容和方法、创新点和特色。其次,介绍毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ 薪酬管理相关理论综述,为后面的实证研究奠定了理论基础。接着介绍企业基本情况,包括经营方针、战略、企业文化、组织结构等。紧接着对企业薪酬管理现状进行分析从而分析出企业薪酬管理缺乏战略思考,薪酬分配存在内部不公平性,薪酬结构不合理,缺乏科学地绩效考核体系,福利机制相对落后等问题,同时,对影响企业薪酬管理的制约因素进行分析。最后,针对企业薪酬管理存在问题进行完善,建立科学完善的绩效考核体系,建立弹性福利机制,在此基础上对企业实行宽带薪酬管理,同时针对生产人员、销售人员、管理人员等进行薪酬设计。以期对唐山天缘塑料制品厂的薪酬制度改革起到一定的指导和借鉴意义。
Research on Salary Management of Tangshan Tianyuan Plastic Products Factory
Economic globalization, the increasingly corporate internal and external business environment changes and challenging, business competition, not only is the product of competition, technological competition is the competition of human resources. Manage human resources, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees has become an important human resource management work. Corporate compensation design will have a direct impact on daily activities such as production and operation, thereby affecting business development and strategic objectives.
Thesis Tangshan Tianyuan Plastic Products Factory as the research object, first of all to explain the background and significance of this topics, contents and methods of innovation and features. Second, it introduces the theory of compensation management review, the empirical study later laid a theoretical foundation. Then introduced the status of enterprise compensation management, including management policy, strategy, corporate culture, organizational structure. Salary Management to analyze the lack of strategic thinking, not an internal pay equity allocation, salary structure unreasonable, the lack of scientific performance appraisal system, welfare system lags behind other issues, the same time, affect salary management constraints analysis. Finally, there is the issue of Pay perfect, establish a scientific sound performance appraisal system, the establishment of flexible benefits system, in this based on the broadband compensation management enterprises, while for production workers, sales personnel, management personnel to pay design. To-day margin of Tangshan Plastic Products Factory reform the pay system had some guidance and reference.
Keywords: Salary management;Motivation; Broadband Salary
目    录
1 绪论.1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义...1
1.2 国内外研究现状...1
1.3 研究内容和研究方法...2
1.4 创新点...3
2 薪酬管理相关理论综述.5
2.1 薪酬管理基本概念和内容5
2.2 薪酬管理相关理论观点7
2.3 影响薪酬的因素..10
3 唐山天缘塑料制品厂基本情况..12
3.2 企业文化与企业战略..13
3.3 员工构成. 13
4 唐山天缘塑料制品厂薪酬管理现状及问题分析..16
4.1 薪酬管理状况..16
4.2 薪酬管理存在问题分析..18
4.3 薪酬管理影响因素分析..22
5 唐山天缘塑料制品厂薪酬管理的完善..26
5.1 薪酬管理完善的总体思路与原则..26
5.2 薪酬管理的完善..28

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