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工程造价咨询公司竞争战略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-14:  来源:毕业论文
摘    要河北天地工程造价咨询有限公司自2005年成立,开始从事工程造价咨询服务,是独立自主、自负盈亏、积极参与市场竞争的法人单位,企业规模和盈利能力都有了一定的发展,但面临着行业自我约束差,竞争激烈,内部组织结构不合理、业务创新能力不足等问题。为了能在激烈的市场竞争无耻悲鄙下流的网'学,网总是抄优,文,论'文"网中继续发展壮大,天地公司必须制定切实可行的竞争战略。论文分析了河北天地工程造价咨询有限公司的竞争战略,以迈克尔•波特的竞争战略理论为指导,采用PEST分析、五力分析和SWOT分析方法,得出了天地公司的竞争战略,即集中化竞争战略,并提出了实施集中化竞争战略的保障措施,使企业能够在竞争日益激烈的市场环境中赢得优势,探讨一条企业生存、发展之路。
Research on the Competitive Strategy of Hebei Tiandi Engineering Cost Consultation Co.,Ltd.
Hebei Tiandi Engineering Cost Consultation Co.,Ltd. is consulting company limited since 2005 was started in the cost advisory services, is an independent, self-financing, actively participate in market competition corporate units, Although the enterprise size and profit earning capacity have developed greatly, problems still exist such as unreasonable organization structure, out-dated enterpriseculture and insufficient business innovation capability. To make further development in fierce market competition, Tiandi Company must work out a feasible competitive strategy. This thesis put forwards the basic competitive strategy of Tiandi Company, guided by the competitive strategy theory of Michael Porter and by using the PEST analysis, 5-competitive force analysis and SWOT analytical methods: the concentration of competition strategy, and the concentration of competitive strategy of the security measures to enable enterprises to the increasingly competitive market environment and win advantage on a business, the path of development.
 Keywords: construction costs;advisory strategy;concentration
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的目的及意义 1
1.3 研究思路及内容 2
2 竞争战略管理概述 4
2.1 战略管理的概念及含义 4
2.2 竞争战略分析模型 5
3 天地公司战略环境分析 7
3.1 公司概况 7
3.2 宏观环境分析 10
3.3 行业环境分析 13
3.4 顾客分析 18
4 天地公司SWOT分析 20
4.1 天地公司内部条件的优势分析 20
4.2 天地公司内部条件的劣势分析 21
4.3 天地公司外部环境的机遇分析 22
4.4 天地公司外部环境的威胁分析 23
4.5 天地公司SWOT组合分析 24
5 天地公司竞争战略选择与实施 27
5.1 天地公司竞争战略选择 27
5.2 天地公司竞争战略实施方案 27
5.3 天地公司实施集中化竞争战略的途径 28
5.4 天地公司竞争战略实施保障措施 29
结束语 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34

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