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河北四方食品公司市场营销策略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-11:  来源:毕业论文
Research on Marketing Strategies of Quartet Food Co., Ltd. - Xingtai Branch in Hebei
In the modern information technology is highly developed society development of market competition to market competition and market competition factors. The new business environment,Private enterprise should be no development,In order to achieve development goals,Should take what kind of marketing,Not only affect the business of the survival and development,And to our market stability and development. Therefore, to marketing study of private enterprise is significant.
This paper expounds the related theory of marketing strategies, From internal, external, and industry and other aspects of the Quartet on the Hebei Food Co., Ltd. - Xingtai Branch to conduct an environmental analysis .The point where marketing of the problems that exist in branch office,Xingtai branch for the proposed development of marketing strategy.
Keywords: Quartet Food Co., Ltd. - Xingtai Branch ; Marketing; Strategy
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1  研究背景及意义 1
1.2  本文的研究内容 1
2 市场营销的相关理论 3
2.1  市场营销的定义 3
2.2  市场营销发展的五个阶段 3
2.3  市场营销组合策略 4
2.4  市场营销新理念 6
3 河北四方食品有限公司-邢台分公司环境分析 9
3.1  公司简介 9
3.2  外部环境 9
3.3  行业环境 12
3.4  顾客分析 16
3.5  公司自身 18
3.6  内部环境 21
4 河北四方食品有限公司-邢台分公司市场营销策略 24
4.1  个别品牌策略 24
4.2  4P策略 24
4.3  服务策略 27
5 实施建议 29
5.1  调整措施 29
5.2  营销实施建议 29
5.3  未来发展策略 30
结束语 31
参考文献 32
致    谢 33

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