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房地产市场营销策略研究论文+任务书 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-7:  来源:毕业论文
摘    要

Research on Marketing Strategy of Zhuoda Scholarly Park III
As a regional real estate or even a country pillar industry, has been a national, government and consumer attention, the important role of real estate sales marketing strategy, to help developers determine the direction of investment, make the right investment decisions and to solve real estate development and future direction of development and real estate sales and related decision-making skills, has a irreplaceable role.
This paper describes the theory of marketing, Zhuoda Scholarly Park III project on Zhuoda scholarly conducted SWOT analysis and from the target market positioning, product, price, channel, promotion and other aspects of the implementation of its marketing strategy and control measures. Thesis research on the Zhuoda Real Estate Group and similar enterprises are also of practical significance.
Key words: Real Estate;Marketng Strategies;Scholarly Park III
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
2 房地产市场营销相关理论知识概述 3
2.1 房地产相关理论知识概述 3
2.2  房地产市场营销的概述 8
2.3 营销新理念 11
3 卓达书香园三期营销现状分析 14
3.1 卓达集团概况 14
3.2 书香园三期概况 14
3.3 卓达书香园三期SWOT分析 17
4 卓达书香园三期市场营销策略 20
4.1 目标市场定位 20
4.2 4P策略 20
4.3 营销策略控制 25
结 束 语 27
参考文献 28
致    谢 29

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