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白洒企业营销策略论文 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-5:  来源:毕业论文
白洒企业营销策略论文 第2页
摘    要我国目前白酒企业众多,竞争日趋白热化。加之全国每年的洋酒数十万箱的消费量以及啤酒、红酒等替代品的渗透,国产白酒在酒类消费中的比重日益下降,三井的生存环境受到严峻考验。针对这一现状,本论文的撰写是通过对大量资料的收集和理论联系实际等方法进行的,其目的在为三井的发展提出自己的见解,并希望能为三井的持续健康发展做出自己的一点贡献。
At present, many enterprises liquor competition intensified. And the annual consumption of wine and beer hundreds of cases, red wine, liquor and homebred infiltration of alternative expend in the wines the proportion of declining, mitsui living environment is serious test. In this situation, this paper is based on the writing of data collection and the theory of practice, etc, the purpose of development for mitsui put forward its own views, and hope for the sustained and healthy development of mitsui contribution.
This paper first liquor-making industry in China, the market characteristics, the competition pattern are analyzed in detail, Then based on internal company mitsui the advantages and disadvantages of two aspects in detail, and analyzes its facing opportunities and challenges. Then on the basis of analysis in front, the mature market marketing theory, and to use as the main research, strategy of product, price, mitsui from four aspects of distribution and promotion are analyzed in detail, and puts forward the marketing strategies mitsui.
Keywords: Marketing;Marketing strategies;Implementation suggestion
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1论文研究背景 1
1.2论文研究的内容和方法 1
1.3论文研究意义 2
2 营销理论基础 3
2.1 4P营销理论简述 3
2.2 4P营销理论意义 4
3 三井公司营销环境分析 5
3.1 三井公司概况 5
3.2白酒行业现状 5
3.3宏观环境分析 6
3.4微观环境分析 9
3.5内部营销环境分析 11
4 三井公司市场营销现状分析 15
4.1产品现状分析 15
4.2产品价格分析 15
4.3三井公司分销渠道分析 16
4.4促销现状分析 17
4.5广告现状概况及分析 17
5 三井公司市场营销策略 19
5.1产品策略 19
5.2价格策略 21
5.3分销渠道策略 24
5.4促销策略 28
5.5广告策略 31
6 三井公司营销策略实施建议 33
6.1加大科技投入 33
6.2加强品牌管理 33
6.3推动绿色营销 34
6.4实行弹性营销 35
6.5开展整合营销 37
结束语 38
参考文献 39
致    谢 40

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