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电梯公司发展战略+SWOT分析 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-1:  来源:毕业论文
电梯公司发展战略+SWOT分析 第2页
摘    要企业发展离不开战略的指引。企业要健康成长,发展是硬道理,战略是关键。企业总战略的制定,企业的每个成长时期都应制定与其外部环境相适应的一系列子战略目标,并与总体战略相一致,企业才能有步骤、有计划、有规律的发展。同时在战略实施过程中,加强对外部环境的敏感性,在调节环路中,要时刻关注环境因素的变化,不断调整和完善企业的战略,加强对企业战略的管理,增强企业战略的灵活性和可控性,摆脱各种抑制企业成长的因素,推动企业进入新的一轮增强环路,促进企业纵深发展。
Research on development strategy of botong elevator company Abstract
The enterprise can not develop without the strategy guide. Business to healthy growth and development is the last word, strategy is the key. The total business strategy development, business growth during each of its external environment should be adapted to develop a series of sub-strategic objectives, and consistent with the overall strategy, enterprises can have steps in a planned, orderly development. At the same time in the implementation of the strategy process, to strengthen the sensitivity of the external environment, in the regulation loop, we should always pay attention to changes in environmental factors, and constantly adjusting and improving their strategies to strengthen the management of the firm's strategy to enhance the flexibility of corporate strategy and controllability,Get rid of all the factors inhibiting business growth, encourage enterprises to enter a new round of enhanced loop, promote enterprise development in depth.
Based on the Broadcom Elevator Company's research analysts to identify the company's corporate strategy development issues, which the company after the strategy formulation will provide some help and advice to the company's future operations and development can be smoothly carried out.
Keywords:botongcompany Strategy development  Enterprise environment   Strategy
目    录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外企业战略研究综述 1
1.3论文研究方法与思路 3
2 企业战略管理理论综述 5
2.1企业战略概述 5
2.2企业战略的类型 7
2.3企业战略制定步骤 10
3 博通电梯战略现状及环境分析 13
3.1博通电梯简介 13
3.2博通电梯战略现状 13
3.3博通电梯内外部环境分析 15
4博通电梯发展战略设计 23
4.1企业SWOT分析 23
4.2战略制定的目标与原则 24
4.3总体发展战略 24
4.4博通电梯核心竞争力的塑造 27
4.5业务战略规划 29
5战略实施保障措施 32
5.1组织管理 32
5.2市场营销 32
5.3公共关系 33
5.4人力资源 33
5.5财务管理 34
5.6企业文化 34
结 束 语 36
参考文献 37
致    谢 38

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