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绿色食品营销渠道策略研究+任务书+开题报告 第2页

更新时间:2011-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
绿色食品营销渠道策略研究+任务书+开题报告 第2页
摘    要
Research on Marketing Channel Strategies about Green Foods of Yi Fan Food Company
Green food industry is playing a very important role in the adjustment of agriculture structure, promoting the improvement of agriculture products; build up the competition capabilities of the agric-products. But nowadays the sales performances of green food are not very optimism. The main reasons are the bottom necks of green food marketing channels. Such as the production out of gears of sales, the blocking channels of green food products and the lag of green food marketing methods.
Through the ways of substantial evidence investigation and SWOT analysis on the marketing channels of Yi fan company, the text analysis its strength and weakness, opportunity and threats of exterior environment, and to find out error and problems in the marketing channels. With the above analysis and combined with green food marketing characteristics, from the aspects of green food to offer the Yi fan company a relatively objective and feasible marketing channels tactics.
Key words: Green Food; Marketing Channels; Strategy; Yi fan food
目    录
1 绪  论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文研究方法与思路 3
2 绿色食品营销相关理论综述 5
2.1绿色食品基本理论 5
2.2 绿色营销理论 7
2.3 绿色食品营销渠道理论 9
3 一番公司绿色食品营销渠道现状分析 12
3.1 一番公司总体概况 12
3.2 一番公司绿色食品营销渠道内部环境分析 12
3.3 一番公司绿色食品营销渠道外部环境分析 15
3.4 一番公司SWOT分析 17
4 一番公司绿色食品营销渠道策略 20
4.1一番公司绿色食品营销渠道的建设目标及基本构思 20
4.2 一番公司绿色食品营销渠道策略 23
结 束 语 29
参考文献 31
致    谢 32
附录一 33
附录二 34

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