皮具公司顾客关系营销策略研究顾客关系论文 第2页
Research on Customer Relationship Marketing of ZhengXingAbstract
With the rapid economic development and science and technology more involved in production and operation activities, the traditional transaction marketing model has been difficult to adapt to the modern fast-changing, competitive environment. Enterprises need to establish a balanced long-term relationships, thus the emergence of new marketing - relationship marketing. Relat原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网
http://www.chuibin.com/ ionship marketing to marketing as a business with customers, suppliers, distributors, competitors, government agencies and other public place the process of interaction, correctly handle the business and the relationship between these organizations and individuals is the core of corporate marketing , is the key to business success.
Based on the positive Zhengxing Leather Company's Development and analysis of the state in which industry and research, presented Zhengxing Leather Company in customer relationship marketing problems in the light of Zhengxing Leather Company's actual situation, from customer relationship marketing point of view, discussion is based on customer relationship Zhengxing leather company product / service strategy, communication strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, integrated marketing strategy, put forward Zhengxing leather company is customer relationship marketing strategy and design scheme.
Keywords: RelationshipMarketing ;Customer Relationship Marketing; Marketing Strategy
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1
1.2 研究内容与研究方法 2
2 关系营销相关理论 4
2.1 关系营销理论内涵 4
2.2 关系营销与传统营销的区别 4
2.3 顾客关系营销的意义与作用 5
2.4 顾客关系营销策略 6
3 正兴皮具公司概况 11
3.1 公司概况 11
3.2 顾客基本情况 13
4 正兴皮具公司营销环境与现状分析 15
4.1 公司营销环境分析 15
4.2公司顾客关系营销现状分析 16
4.3 公司SWOT分析 19
4.4 SWOT分析结论 22
5 正兴皮具公司顾客关系营销策略 23
5.1 公司目标市场的选择与确定 23
5.2 正兴皮具公司顾客关系营销策略 24
结束语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
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