China Telecom Marketing StrAtegy Branch of Lin Zhang
Chinese Telecom Munication Group Company had been established in 2002, Is Our country Extra large type State-owned Correspondence Enterprise, Relates many year being selected “the world 500 strong enterprises”, main management fixed telephone, mobile communication, Internet turning on and application and so on comprehensive information service. Grows which during the pursue enterprise value, Chinese Telecommunication Group Company persisted the enterprise and the society, the environment and the benefit counterparts harmonious par agenesis, fulfills the enterprise society responsibility earnestly.
As our country informationization construction main army, Chinese Telecommunication Group Company exerts oneself the development and the promoted informationization application, causes the informationization achievement benefit and the social various professions and broad masses diligently. Was successively more than 20 professions and the general enterprises provides the pointed informationization solution, the service domain has developed from the foundation correspondence to the system integration, the network security, the video frequency conference, the video frequency monitoring, outside the data central trust, the call center and the network maintenance the package, the network management, the disaster backup, aspects and so on synthesis information consultant; Fulfills the telecommunication popularization service obligation earnestly, serves positively " three agricultural ", persisted the advancement “the village telephones” the project and “thousand to ten thousand villages” the informationization demonstration project, the realization “three electricity goes to the country” the promoted work; On own initiative provides “basic necessities of life for the general common people to use” and so on the aspect comprehensive information services, for the impetus informationization and the industrialization fusion, speeds up the countryside informationization construction, reduces the city and countryside numeral gap, the convenient common people enjoyed the information new life to make should have the contribution.
In 2008 the new turn telecommunication organizational reform and at the beginning of 2009 provided the third generation along with the country the mobile communication (3G) license plate, Chinese Telecommunication Group Company has welcomed the entire account executive and the 3G development new opportunity, the new challenge. In the new beginning, the enterprise marketing strategy formulation is very important!
Key words:Chinese telecom munication;Group marketing present;Global strategy
目 录
1绪 论 1
1.1研究的背景与意义 1
1.2研究内容 1
2 市场营销策略相关理论简述 3
2.1市场营销策略产生背景 3
2.2市场营销策略的概念、内容与现实意义 4
3 中国电信临原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com 漳分公司所面临的现状 6
3.1中国电信临漳分公司简介 6
3.2中国电信临漳分公司产品分类与分析 9
4 竞争对手及国家政策法规 10
4.1竞争对手 12
4.2国家政策法规 14
5 临漳分公司的市场营销策略方案设计 18
5.1目标市场定位 18
5.2 4P策略 18
结束语 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
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