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塑胶促销策略论文+开题报告+任务书 第3页

更新时间:2011-6-14:  来源:毕业论文
塑胶促销策略论文+开题报告+任务书 第3页
Research On Promotion Strategies Of Dongying Plastic
As the field of plastic pipe in the broad market application, the plastic pipe industry has been an unprecedented boom, China has become the international plastics production and application of power. Plastic pipe applications extended to the building supply and drainage, municipal supply and drainage, municipal gas transmission, transformation of the rural people build water and agricultural irrigation, power, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial and many other occasions, to meet the needs of national development and people's lives needs. Plastic pipe has become a fairly large-scale industry power. With access to the plastic pipe industry enterprises increased, further expansion of supply capacity, intense competition in the market also increased. In this paper, Dongying Plastic Co., Ltd. for the study camp, camp for Dongying Plastic Co., Ltd. In recent years the promotion conditions, using advertising, marketing, management and other related theoretical knowledge, a study of its promotion strategy, and its Promotion Strategies to improve and supply.
    In this paper, Dongying Plastic Co., Ltd. promotional business status, industry development and the competitive situation on the basis of a detailed analysis of the application Porter five force model of industry competitive analysis and SWOT analysis, and purchasing behavior in the market on the basis of theoretical analysis , on the company's marketing strategy in conducting research for the further development of the company's marketing strategy to increase market sales for the company, increase market share, maintain and expand markets to provide strong support.
    Keywords: plastic pipe; marketing strategy; promotion status quo; personal selling
摘    要

关键词:塑胶管道;促销策略;促销现状;人员推销1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
经过20多年来的发展,塑胶管道正在逐渐代替金属管道而被建筑工程广泛采用。随着我国城乡基础设施建设的不断加大,塑胶管道行业面临着巨大的发展机遇。据有关专家按建设行业发展规划测算,“十五”期间,建筑管道每年需求量为12亿米,城市供水、污水处理、燃气、农业、电力、公路、铁路等行业需要大量塑胶管道,南水北调,西气东输和西电东送原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com 等国家重点项目也为塑胶管道行业发展提供了广阔的空间。塑胶管道总需求量将在2005年180万吨的基础上,再保持10%-15%的年增长率,其中一半以上为PVC管道。根据当前我国塑胶管发展的趋势和投资力度,有关行业专家预测,“十一五”期间,塑胶管道工程用量平均每年将达200万吨。到2010年可能达到300万吨。

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