保险公司员工培训策略研究+培训现状+开题报告+任务书 第2页
Research on the Training Strategy in Yongnian Company of PICC
From China's accession to WTO, China's market access to the full liberalization of the international well-known insurance giants have landed the Chinese market, the competitive environment has changed a lot, China's insurance industry during the development of increasingly fierce competition. As the market economy and enterprise management, continuous improvement, more and more companies beginning to think that human resources are the companies mos原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网
http://www.chuibin.com/ t important resource for economic development.
In this paper, the theory of training management Yongnian PICC on the company's training system was studied. First of all, the training of the employees introduced the theory of 11, followed by the PICC from Yongnian status quo of the company's training, through a variety of theories on the basis of relevant training, for training in Yongnian PICC situation that is currently training needs analysis, employee training programs, and other issues, I propose the establishment of the Yong Nian PICC training system of suggestions and strategies. Including training systems, training needs analysis, develop staff training programs, staff training effect evaluation, strengthening career management.
Keywords:Staff Training; Training System;Yongnian Company of PICC
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 研究的内容 2
2 员工培训理论综述 3
2.1 培训的内涵 3
2.2 培训的方法 5
2.3 有效的员工培训体系 6
2.4 培训的模式 11
2.5 国内企业培训的误区及国外企业培训的经验 14
3 永年人保财险公司员工培训现状分析 16
3.1 永年人保财险公司概况 16
3.2 永年人保财险公司人力资源现状分析 19
3.3 永年人保财险公司员工培训现状分析 20
3.4 永年人保财险培训存在的问题分析 22
4 永年人保财险公司员工培训具体对策研究 25
4.1 建立永年人保财险的培训制度 25
4.2 员工培训的具体对策 26
4.3 培训实施的过程与管理 27
4.4 培训效果评估 32
4.5 加强职业生涯管理 33
结束语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36
摘 要
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