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企业融资物流业务管理对策研究+物流企业融资现状+开题报告+任务书 第3页

更新时间:2011-6-11:  来源:毕业论文
企业融资物流业务管理对策研究+物流企业融资现状+开题报告+任务书 第3页
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1论文研究的背景 1
1.2论文研究的目的和意义 2
1.3研究的主要内容 4
1.4发展现状 4
2 融资物流的理论综述 7
2.1融资物流的相关概念 7
2.2物流监管的含义 7
3 天津中远融资物流业务的发展现状 10
3.1公司简介 10
3.2天津中远融资物流的业务开展模式 10
4 天津中远在融资物流中存在的问题和局限性 17
4.1 其他物流企业的发展情况 17
4.2 天津中远存在的问题 19
5 天津中远提高融资物流业务监管的对策 23
5.1 业务流程改进对策 23
5.2 扩大质押物范围、加强质押物监管、评估和风险控制 24
5.3 建立吸引和培养物流人才的机制 25
5.4借助中远品牌优势扩大企业规模 27
结束语 28
参考文献 29
致    谢 30
Reserch on Tianjin COSCO Logistics Business Financing Administration Policy
As logistics financial services provided by the third-party logistics company , financing logistics have solved the issues such as the production ,the marketing                           and trade which are difficulties in enterprise financing.Financing logistics has breaken through the traditional fixed mortgage model, it also develops new ways for SME  to finace , and effectively lowers their financing costs. By using the capital of the bank and the logistics enterprise’ standardizations and information management , financing logistics has shorten sales cycles, speeded up the product turnover, and improved utilization of funds.
Currently, the main mode of financing logistics include the following four categories: Pledge of warehouse receipts (real position), Confirmation warehouse, Storehouse and Sea cabin. Brought about by the financial logistics, the logistics control market is also an emerging market, its demand comes from the requirements that are produced by the banks control the risks, specifically, logistics control is that the banks need the professional Agencies to manage these goods and other regulatory targets.
As one of the logistics business model of Tianjin COSCO,the warehouse receipt  is the most extensively developing. From the warehouse receipt, combining Tianjin COSCO logistics business to carry out the financing situation, this article find the logistics financing problems in developing, and finally put forward management countermeasures and suggestions. With the financial logistics to carry out,it will be the Tianjin COSCO tool for competition in the market, not only provides value-added services for customers, but also brings considerable economic benefits for the enterprise.

Keywords: Financing Logistics; Logistics Control; Pledge of warehouse receipts ; Collateral Materials
摘    要

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