私企员工激励机制现状及存在问题分析对策 第2页
Abstract With China’s entry into WTO and the rapid process of globalization, it is necessary to adopt the incentive mechanism for employees in order to increase the core competence of enterprises. Through analyzing current private business company’s incentive and incentive mechanism evolutionary process, it is explained that private company incentive and incentive mechanism should be adapted to the environmental changes, thus this paper analyses the existing problem of private company incentive mechanism which is based on the theorem of incentive, moreover points out where the cause is and clear out the adjust tactics.
According to the private enterprise employee’s inspiration status in quo, this paper first analyze the incentive background and present condition, and through these two side analyze, we can have the thorough understand of private enterprise inspire mechanism, and find out what we should investigate on the satisfaction degree of the employee in order to work out the defect of private enterprise incentive mechanism. Based on these analysis, from the viewpoint of the theory of incentive, we designed the survey of employee’s satisfaction, at the same time we do some research to find out where the problems exist, meanwhile try to formulate the adjust tactics, so that the company can attract more excellent employees, take advantage of the virtue and avoid the shortcoming of the company, unceasingly to consummate the incentive mechanism, then formulate the an efficient inspire system ,increase the company competition ability.
Though the analysis of the private enterprise employee’s incentive mechanism we can find that under the environment of rapid economic develop, the private enterprise can only grasp the opportunities to formulate the efficient employee’s inspiration mechanism, then they can absorb the talent to service the themselves, and let the company stand out from the fierce competitive market.
Key words: Private Enterprise, Inspiration Mechanism, Enterprise Employee’s, Inspire Tactics
1 绪论
1.1 课题背景及意义
中国加入WTO的漫长历程终于画上了句号。 加入WTO给中国经济带来新的推动力,也带来新的压力,对私营企业而言是机遇大于挑战,就像中国经济改革研究基金会国民经济研究所樊纲教授所说: “它们失去的只是枷锁,赢得的将是整个世界”。我们在看到私营企业优势的同时,更应重视其在诸多方面存在的问题与弊端。随着市场经济的逐步发展和私营企业在创造产值和提供新的就业机会方面发挥着越来越重要作用的情况下,不适应市场经济发展的因素日益显现,这些不利因素在改革与发展中制约着私营企业的步伐,使私营企业出现了两极分化:一些先天条件虽然不是太好的企业,但由于有较强的市场适应能力,较好的抓住了机遇从而得到了飞速发展。相反,有些曾经辉煌的私营企业,却被市场经济的各种冲击波击倒了,最后衰败灭亡了。导致后一种结果的原因很多,但其中最重要的一个原因是企业没有一个好机制,即没有一个很好的调动员工队伍积极性、吸引员工使员工忠诚于企业的激励机制。相对而言,私营企业比较弱小,本来就缺乏人才,吸引力不足。如果有好的原文请找腾讯752018766优.文-论'文"网
http://www.chuibin.com 在市场经济飞速发展的今天,企业的竞争说到底是人才的竞争。现代社会,谁拥有了人才并激励了人才,使其发挥了最大的潜能和作用,谁就会在竞争中占据主动地位,谁就会独占鳌头,使本企业立于不败之地。钢铁大王卡耐基曾说:“你可以拿走我的产品、资金和客户,但只要留下我们企业的全部组织人员,不出四年我依然是钢铁大王”。在技术立国、重视利润的美国有这样一句简单而深刻的口号:人是我们最重要资产,人才就是一切。由此可见,随着人力资源管理在企业管理中的地位和作用的日益增强,对于我国的私营企业来说,要想从新的现实中成功胜出,就必须强化和完善激励机制,用好人才和留住人才。而私营企业激励机制现存的问题有哪些,如何改进和调整,等等,这是当前私营企业家们所面对的迫在眉睫的任务,也是学术界值得研究的一个课题。
1.2 国内外研究状况
1.2.1 国外研究状况
(1) 马斯洛的《需求层次理论》
人类的需要多种多样,五花八门,不同的个人就其需求模式或结构也不尽相同。许多经济学者研究和命名了人类的各种学要,在激励理论的研究中亚伯拉罕•马斯洛的需求层次论影响最为广泛。亚伯拉罕•马斯洛在20世纪40年代根据人的基本需要按其产生的先后顺序划分为: 生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要、自我实现需要。具体如图1.1 所示上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 下一页
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