民营企业员工培训的意义及现状问题及对策 第2页
After china joined WTO, knowledge economy and globalization have great impact on Chinese enterprises; especially private enterprises .Since 2004, Chinese enterprises has matained a continuous, wealthy and high-speed development as well as private enterprises do. However when domestic private enterprises grow rapidly, some indictable problems such as hard to collect information difficulty in technical innovation, credit shortage, financing problems and lack of talents have hindered the further development of the enterprises As matter stand that brain drain, low quality of employees, and lack of qualified talents have became the key condition to development of private enterprises.
It has found good expression in great short of training of applied talents and managerial talents. As modern science and technology develop rapidly, as well as knowledge economy is promoted by globalization. Employee In training has become an inevitable fact, and is concerned deeper and deeper by the enterprise. Although EIT is irresistible, there are still many problems existed in private enterprises .There gore, how to enhance and improve EIT becomes a problem that needs to be solved ASAP. It is of momentous current significance to analyze the problem of EIT in private enterprises and make some suggestions.
The thesis aims to analyze the current situation and problems in the EIT in a enterprises where the writer works in , and discuss how to enhance EIT , focus on methods and counter measures .This thesis discusses the meaning and background of the research , expounds the characteristics and effects in EIT ,argues the problem existed in EIT , and in the end ,makes some suggestions to solve the problems in details , suggesting that EIT and evaluations system be combined firmly , enabling EIT to be systematized and standardized . THE thesis strives to combine theory with practice, settling the actual problems in operation.
Key words: Private Enterprises ,Employee in Training (EIT), Problems and Countermeasures
摘 要原文请找腾讯752018766优-文^论,文.网
关健词:民营企业,员工培训,问题与对策1.1 研究背景
自改革开放以来,我国民营企业一直保持着持续、健康、高增长的发展势头,已经为我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的做出了极大的贡献。其中民营企业主要经济指标持续快速增长,企业数量继续增加,资产状况良好,经济效益和规模化程度进一步提高,从业人员持续增加,呈现良好的发展态势。随着社会经济的发展,我国民营企业开始越来越多地进入包括电计算机、通信、生物医药、新材料、新能源等高新技术产业等领域,成为我国高新技术产业发展的新力军。中国科学技术部近期发布信息表明:我国民营企业实力进一步增强,呈现出持续快速的发展势头。截至2003年12月31日,全国民营企业总数为124937家,企业数量比2002年增加14.22%。全年总收入达到37105亿元,比2002年增长42.94%, 2003年民营科技企业实现工业增加值7566亿元,全年实现净利润2295亿元,比2002年增长30.18%。上缴国家税金2054亿元,比2002年增长49.63%。出口创汇787亿美元,比2002年增长60.29%。有关专家估计,在“十五”期间以至今后一个相当长的时期内,民营企业很有可能产生飞跃式发展。到“十五”末期,民营企业数量可望达到16万家,从业人员超过1000万人,其中科技人员300万,技工贸总收入将达到5万亿元以上,不仅大量中小型企业的素质会有大幅度的提高,还会出现更多的具有国际竟争力的大型高新技术企业集团,参与国际市场的角逐。到那时,民营企业将为社会带来更加丰厚的回报。持续、快速发展的民营企业,已经成为中国经济发展和技术进步的重要力量,为推动科技与经济结合、解放和发展科技第一生产力做出了重要贡献。在中国加入WTO后,知识经济与经济全球化给我国民营企业,随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,在新形势下民营企业在其发展中遇到了一些问题,如获取信息难、技术创新难、信用不足、融资困难、人才匮乏等更加突出。而从目前情况来看,员工整体素质不高、人才缺乏是严重制约民营企业发展的一个重大问题。工商联经济部根据工商联对加1000多家会员企业的调查认为,人力资源问题己经成为制约民营企业发展的第一位因素。有实力的人才外流、合格人才短缺及人力资源管理不科学已经成为我国民营科技企业的瓶颈。广东省民营科技企业协会统计表明,在企业人力资源方面,有52.28%的企业认为“员工整体素质不高”是企业面临的主要问题,而有42.13%的企业认为是“人才缺乏”,20.81%的企业认为是“员工工作积极性不高”,有11.68%的企业认为是“本企业被当作寻找更好工作的跳板”。因此,如何加强和完善员工培训工作是当前我国民营企业在发展过程中巫待解决的问题[1]。上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页
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