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更新时间:2010-9-8:  来源:毕业论文

Abstract In recent years, as the Chinese financial industry opens, numerous of foreign capital banks station in China in succession. As the largest independent local bank in Hong Kong, The Bank of East Asia (BEA) was one of the first foreign banks granted Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) status by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC). Faces the rigorous competition situation, which bring by the approach of global finance, the deeply turning of network operation, the creative of financial tool and financial product, the faintness of the boundary financial industry and non-financial industry, and the changes of financial regulation. BEA how to identify the demand of customer, reinforce the communication with customer, keep the old customer, and find and manage the customer resource effectively, gain advantage in numerous of competitors, succeed in exploiting the marker of mainland, the key is customer relationship management.
This article is relating to the analysis of the condition of our country local banking development, which is the environment of the customer relationship management of BEA. Introduced the current strategy of BEA. Find out and discuss the problem in customer relationship management strategic implement, customer's information management, customer service channels management, customer service center operation management and potential customer development. And put forward some suggestions to improve the customer relationship of BEA.
Key words: Customer relationship management, The Bank of East Asia, Foreign Capital Bank
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究方法 2
1.4 论文构成及研究范围内容 2
2 东亚银行的客户关系管理现状 4
2.1 我国银行业概况 4
2.2 东亚银行概况 6
2.2.1 东亚银行香港有限公司简介 6
2.2.2 东亚银行在内地的经营状况 6
2.3 东亚银行客户关系管理现状 7
3 东亚银行的客户关系管理存在问题与分析 10
3.1 客户关系管理战略模糊 10
3.2 客户信息的管理不够系统 10
3.3 多样化的客户服务渠道间容易产生冲突 11
3.4 客户服务中心管理不完善 12
3.5 广泛的潜在客户未能得到开发 12
4 改善客户关系的相应对策 13
4.1 全面实施客户关系管理战略 13
4.1.1 实施客户关系管理战略的总体构想 13
4.1.2 围绕客户关系管理战略改造企业文化 13
4.1.3 建立以客户为导向的组织架构 14
4.2 加强客户信息的管理 15
4.2.1 做好客户细分 15本文来自优-文'论-文'网
4.2.2 完善CRM系统 16
4.3 多渠道的客户服务系统的整合 17
4.3.1 客户服务渠道整合的方向 17
4.3.2 客户服务渠道整合的策略 17
4.4 加强客户服务中心控制力度 19
4.5 潜在客户的开发与管理 21
4.5.1 寻找潜在客户 21
4.5.2 潜在客户的转化 21
4.5.3 潜在客户的管理 22
结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 1565

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