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餐饮店经营存在的问题现状和改进对策 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-6:  来源:毕业论文
餐饮店经营存在的问题现状和改进对策 第2页
关键词: 三叶草餐饮店,经营,对策
 The Sanyecao Restaurant is located in Guangzhou, nearly 120 square metres. Seen the surrounding environment, it has so many competitors: varieties of snack bars and drinking stores, and so on. Moreover, what makes it hard to get a really satisfied profit are : revolving funding is ordinarily, food products are not attracted by large amounts customers who are involved in fresh things. With the fast developing catering trade marketing, it should be put much emphasis on how to run the Sanyecao Restaurant well. Especially for making the budget targets to reality. In a word, how to improve the management become an emergency issues. The article is based on: flinging out the potential problems, analyzing on the data surveys, looking through the existential reasons. All that are aimed at changing the ways to deal with situations. Making clear ideas on solving its problems and running its operations, mainly for improving more sales and earning higher profits.本文来自优^文*论-文~网
The thesis consists of five sections, the struts are following:
The first section is about the background, expounding the dissertation research sense, and dissertation composition to proposing researching the means, and the dissertation introductory.
The second section is summarized to Sanyecao Restaurant, elaborating the business  scope and the theory developed in the operation. of Sanyecao Restaurant.
The third section is proposed the problems which existed in the Sanyecao Restaurant's operation.
The four section analyses what’s the very reason cause the problems of Sanyecao Restaurant's operation by the means which consists of: Paper Research, as well as Questionnaire analysis of data. With these to get progress in analyzing what the operating problems and their causes..
The fifth section puts forward solutions what the problems referred.
Key words: Sanyecao Restaurant,Operation,Countermeasure
目    录毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
1  绪论……………………………………………………………………………………….1
 1.1  题目背景及目的……………………………………………………………………1
 1.2  国内外研究状况……………………………………………………………………1
 1.3  题目研究方法………………………………………………………………………2
 1.4  论文构成及研究内容………………………………………………………………3
2  三叶草餐饮店简介………………………………………………………………………5
 2.1  餐饮店的经营范围…………………………………………………………………5
 2.2  餐饮店的经营发展…………………………………………………………………5
3  三叶草餐饮店经营现状及存在的问题…………………………………………………7
 3.1  三叶草餐饮店经营现状……………………………………………………………7
 3.2  三叶草餐饮店经营存在的问题…………………………………………………7
 3.2.1 产品存在问题………………………………………………………………7 
 3.2.2 价格偏高…………………………………………………………………… 7                
4  三叶草餐饮店经营存在问题的分析……………………………………………………9
4.1  三叶草餐饮店经营存在问题的调查问卷分析……………………………………9
 4.2  三叶草餐饮店经营存在问题的原因分析………………………………………12
      4.2.1 产品分类不齐全和定位不明确…………………………………………13
      4.2.2 入货数量少造成价格偏高………………………………………………14
      4.2.3 管理分工不明确…………………………………………………………14
      4.2.4 营业设施布置未更新……………………………………………………15
      4.2.5 促销和客户管理观念没改变……………………………………………15
5  三叶草餐饮店经营的改进对策…………………………………………………………16
 5.1  改善三叶草餐饮店的产品………………………………………………………16
  5.1.1  菜肴品种多样化与特色化相结合………………………………………16
  5.1.2  用“原创商品”聚人气……………………………………………………16
  5.1.3  新开设外卖和快餐业务…………………………………………………17
 5.2  完善三叶草餐饮店的价格控制管理……………………………………………18
  5.2.1  控制成本达到降低价格………………………………………………18
  5.2.2  用ABC分类法来管理……………………………………………………18
 5.3  三叶草餐饮店的管理人员积极进行沟通………………………………………19
 5.4  灵活改变三叶草餐饮店的设施设计……………………………………………20
 5.5  设计灵活多样的促销和提高客户管理水平……………………………………21

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