
The sale management research of small and medium-sized private enterprises, the pillar of foshan’s economy, is base on their undevelopment in product sale when foshan’s economy is growing for many consecutive years. It’s the problem we must pay attention to. This dissertation is focus on the two aspects of sale management, way and management of sale, to do the research. 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.lwfree.com/ the theory about sale and emphasize the influence to the enterprises.
Secondly, it will analysis the successful case of  Nike.
Thirdly, it will show the current status of sale and management about small and medium-sized private enterprises.
Fourthly, the problem of private enterprises will be more clearly after the sale comparison between Nike and enterprises in Foshan.
Fifthly, it will find out the main problem of selling through the analysis to the small and medium-sized private enterprises.
Finally, we propose some methods to solve the issues we had found.
In the appendix, we offer the questionnaire data in this survey, only for reference.
Key words: marketing  sale  marketing standardization  personalized marketing 
目    录
1 绪 论 1
1.1选题背景及目的 1
1.2国内外研究状况 1
1.3题目研究方法 2
1.4论文构成及研究内容 2
2 企业销售的相关概念 3
2.1企业营销与销售的定义 3
2.2销售对企业的作用 3
2.3标准化与个性化营销 4
2.3.1个性化营销 5
2.3.2标准化营销 5
3 耐克公司成功销售案例 7
3.1销售成功案例分析 7
3.1.1销售面向顾客 8
3.1.2销售偏重于个性化 8
3.2销售标准化与个性化相结合 8
4 当前佛山中小民营企业的现状 10
4.1佛山中小民营企业的特点 10
4.1.1优点 10
4.1.2缺点 11
4.2佛山企业销售困境 11
4.2.1销售缺乏增长后劲 12
4.2.2商品单一化固定销售模式 12
4.3佛山企业销售管理现状 12
4.4 与耐克公司销售比较 13
4.4.1产品销售管理差别 13
4.4.2产品销售方法差别 13
5 佛山中小民营企业销售问题分析 15
5.1企业规模与销售方法问题分析 15
5.1.1规模小竞争力弱 15
5.1.2偏重于标准化 15
5.1.3没有真正面向消费者 16
5.2企业销售管理问题分析 18
5.2.1企业内部目标不明确 18
5.2.2员工素质偏低 19
5.2.3管理水平低 19
5.3问题总述 20
5.3.1企业销售符合顾客需求分析 20
5.3.2佛山企业人员分析 21
6 加强佛山中小民营企业销售管理对策 22
6.1加强销售管理 22
6.1.1建立与市场经济相适应的营销保证体系 22
6.1.2在营销方法上做到两十结合 23
6.1.3 把售前、售中、售后服务紧密结合起来 23
6.2 产品的销售面向消费者的需求 23
6.3加强人才素质的培养,提高技术创新水平 246.4加快资源的整合 25
6.5管理者继续深造计划 26结论 28参考文献与资料 29致谢 30附录1232

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