东莞出口企业应收账款问题的探讨(开题报告+任务书+英文文献翻译) 第10页
关键词 应收账款 出口企业 案例分析 措施
Accounts receivable is one of the important current assets of enterprises. Since 2007, the export enterprises,especially the small and medium-sized export enterprises,have obviously endured the pressure of operation in face of the serious situation at home and abroad ,which increasing the number of losses and operating difficulties of enterprises, and making in overseas accounts receivable shall also gradually increase. This paper, the current small and medium-sized export enterprises in Dongguan accounts receivable through the export businesses accounts receivable problems, causes and impact analysis, and uses case studies to Mao Dongguan Luen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. as an example, the small and medium-sized export enterprises in Dongguan accounts receivable problems.
Key words:Accounts receivable;Export enterprises;Case Studies; Measures
目 录
1 引言 1
2 东莞出口企业应收账款管理的现状 1
2.1应收账款管理的意义 1
2.2应收账款管理的重要性 2
2.3应收账款的现状 2
3 东莞出口企业应收账款管理存在的问题、成因及影响 3
3.1当前应收账款管理中存在的问题 3
3.2 出口企业应收账款问题的成因 4
3.3 应收账款管理不善给企业带来的弊端 6
4.东莞出口中小企业加强应收账款管理的案例分析 8
4.1企业简介 8
4.2运用分析 8
5 东莞出口企业应对应收账款管理问题的对策分析 9
5.1 加强企业的综合竞争能力 9
5.2 思想上加强认识,重视及时走出应收账款管理误区 10
5.3 加强内部控制,强化财务控制和坏账核销 10
5.4 转嫁出口信用风险 11
5.5 必须建立企业内部独立的信用管理部门 12
6 总结 13
参考文献 14
注释: 939
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