
B. Abstract
On the property marketing’s today of so drastic competition,facing the united global economy,Chinese property management corporations have felt more and more pressure of existence,and the more mass competition is in the sevice marketing.It is so little to neglected that the level of product and management technology of moden corporations has lessened in product among the corporation,only can service range and quality in the cource of product saling and it is coinciding the customers have achieved the profit in the product of any corporation,but the service of product saling can embody the product which they purchased.for they get captious and canny,their consumption action will more and more maturer,so ordinary service can’t abtain their monetary vote, He has benefit whose service marketing has well-known,reputation,the competition problem which corporations have face is that how to better their service.These years,Chinese property corporatons have started toemphsis on service marketing,but at preset,it’s very few corporations that can go into the international marketing all right.Many corporations of our country care about sevice marketing very much,but as a result of rising life、weak base、lacking of experience ,and so drastic marketing competition,many corporations feel puzzled about service marketing.
The paper which conbine Dalian Guohe Property Management company’s trade background with his charateristic, emphasis on discussing and studying service marketing strategy, and brings forward the service marketing strategy that adapt to Dalian Guohe property management company and provides actural content direct mind at his servicemarketing of property service.  
Key Words:Real Estate;Property Management;Marketing Tactics
A. 摘    要
目    录
摘    要 I
1绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.1.1物业及物业管理的概念 1
1.1.2物业服务的特征 2
1.1.3 研究背景及意义 2
1.2问题的提出  4
1.2.1大连国合物业公司简介 4
1.2.2大连国合物业公司存在的问题 6
1.3本文的研究思路 7
2物业管理市场分析 9
2.1宏观环境分析 9
2.1.1经济环境 9
2.1.2科技环境 9
2.1.3政治法律环境 9
2.1.4社会文化环境 10
2.2大连国合物业公司业主构成情况 10
2.2.1写字间物业市场 10
2.2.2住宅小区物业市场 10
2.3公司业主特点及需求分析 11
2.3.1写字楼业主特点及需求分析 11
2.3.2住宅小区业主特点及需求分析 13
3竞争能力分析 15
3.1物业行业分析 15
3.1.1国外物业行业现状 15
3.1.2国内物业行业的现状 17
3.1.3物业管理行业的发展趋势及前景 20
3.2主要竞争对手 21
3.3内部条件分析 21
3.3.1企业资源分析 21
3.3.2企业文化分析 22
3.3.3内部能力分析 24
3.4 SWOT分析 25
3.4.1机遇分析 25
3.4.2威胁分析 26
3.4.3优势分析 26
3.4.4劣势分析 26
4大连国合物业公司的服务营销组合策略 28
4.1 物业服务产品策略 28
4.2物业服务定价策略 29
4.3 物业服务促销策略 30
4.4物业服务沟通策略 32
4.5物业服务有形展示策略 32
4.6物业服务过程策略 33
4.7物业服务人员策略 33
结    论 37
参 考 文 献 38
致    谢 888

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