摘 要 I
引 言 1
1我国构建海外投资保险制度的必要性分析 2
1.1我国海外投资发展的现状要求建立海外投资保险制度 2
1.2双边投资保护协定对我国海外投资保护的局限性 2
1.3利用多边投资担保机构对我国海外投资保护的局限性 3
2美、日、德三国海外投资保险制度的比较 4
2.1美、日、德三国海外投资保险承保机构的比较 4
2.1.1美国海外投资保险的承保机构 4
2.1.2日本海外投资保险的承保机构 4
2.1.3德国海外投资保险的承保机构 5
2.2美、日、德三国海外投资保险范围的比较 5
2.3美、日、德三国海外投资保险承保条件的比较 6
2.3.1关于合格投资的比较 6
2.3.2关于合格投资者的比较 7
2.3.3关于合格东道国的比较 7
3建立我国海外投资保险制度的法律思考 8
3.1我国海外投资保险的承保机构 8
3.2我国海外投资保险的范围 8
3.2.1外汇险 9
3.2.2征用险 9
3.2.3战乱险 9
3.3我国海外投资保险的承保条件 10
3.3.1合格的投资及合格的东道国 10
3.3.2合格的投资者 10
结 语 12
参考文献 13
谢 辞 14
摘 要
随着当今国际投资活动的迅速发展及我国海外直接投资事业的不断拓展,许多国家认识到,对本国的海外投资只有鼓励措施是不够的,更重要的是还必须予以法律上的保护,是本国的海外投资尽量免受或少受政治风险所造成的损失,本文来自*优%文.论~文&网原文请找腾讯324,9114 于是建立完善的海外投资保险制度已显得尤为重要。本文从我国海外投资发展的现状及利用双边保护协定、多边投资担保机构对我国海外投资保护的局限性来分析我国建立海外投资保险制度的必要性,并对美、日、德三国海外投资保险制度的承保机构、保险范围、承保条件等方面进行了较为详细的比较分析。在考虑我国国情,借鉴美、日、德等国家海外投资保险制度的成功经验和通行做法的基础上,就构建我国海外投资保险制度提出法律建议。
关键词:海外投资保险 制度 法律思考
On Establishing the System
of Overseas Investment Insurance in China
With the fast development of the international investment and the continuous expansion of China’s foreign direct investment, many countries has realized that it is not enough to protect the country’s overseas investment simply by means of encouragement measures, and that, more importantly, it must also be protected by law, so the country’s overseas investment can against or less affected by the losses caused by political risk, thus the establishment of a sound insurance system for overseas investment has become vital. This paper analyzes the necessity of establishing overseas investment insurance system based upon the current development of China’s overseas investment and its limitation under the protection of bilateral agreements and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of China’s overseas investment. It also gives a more detailed comparative analysis on underwriting agencies, insurance coverage, underwriting conditions of the United States, Japan and Germany’s the system of Overseas Investment Insurance. In consideration of China’s condition, this thesis, through the successful experience and practice on overseas investment guarantee system from the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries, puts forward legal proposals on constructing China’s overseas investment insurance system.
Key words: Investment insurance scheme System Legal thought2689