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更新时间:2011-11-4:  来源:毕业论文

The Discussion of Criminal Reconciliation System ABSTRACT
Criminal reconciliation is a mechanism that the victim and the injure person are voluntary to confer and consult with the criminal dispute directly.Having advantages as independent selectivity, relaxing the contrary of persons concerned, and winning more, it has a similar distinction between to the plea bargaining in criminal settlement with the United States, the traditional mediation, the case of private relief.The victim-offender-reconciliation system legislative defect and the actual needs of rigid contradiction decides to construct criminal reconciliation.Wth the Restore justice heory, the return to the dominant positions of the victim and the injure person, the principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a specified Crime, the transform from absolute principle to relative principle in the criminal act to be in step with each other, it supplies logical proofs to criminal reconciliation;China's Harmonious Culture, the policy of combining leniency with rigidity, building a socialist harmonious society, the interests of the multi-fit ,provide the realistic soil for its existence.The victim-offender-reconciliation system construction requirements applicable to the scope of cases, requirements, procedures and the effectiveness of the settlement agreement, meanwhile, corresponding measures should be established to expand the prosecutor's discretion, mprove criminal enforcement measures,reform the institution of criminal in connection with civil code, build a institution of reprieve no legal prosecution and a system of nation assist for the victim, establish an effective monitoring mechanism and other supporting measures.
Key words: Criminal reconciliation; Logical proofs; Tempering justice with mercy;Institution construction
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摘  要 I
1引言 1
2 刑事和解概念、特征与辨析 2
2.1刑事和解的概念 2
2.2刑事和解的特点 2
2.2.1刑事和解的自主选择性 2
2.2.2刑事和解的缓和性 2
2.2.3刑事和解的多赢性 3
2.3刑事和解与相关概念辨析 3
2.3.1刑事和解与辩诉交易 3
2.3.2刑事和解与调解 4
2.3.3刑事和解与案件“私了” 4
3我国构建刑事和解制度的必要性分析 6
3.1《刑事诉讼法》对被害人的保护不力 6
3.2目前我国刑罚制度对犯罪分子的改造作用仍有局限性 6
3.3刑事和解是提高司法效率的要求 7
4我国构建刑事和解制度的可行性分析 8
4.1刑事和解的理论依据 8
4.1.1恢复正义理论 8
4.1.2被害人与被告人主体地位的回归 8
4.1.3罪刑法定原则、罪行相适应原则的绝对化向相对化的转变 9
4.2刑事和解的现实依据 9
4.2.1“宽严相济”的刑事政策为刑事和解提供现实政策依据 9
4.2.2刑事和解符合构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求 9
4.2.3刑事和解是多方利益的契合 10
5 关于构建我国刑事和解制度的基本构想 11
5.1构建我国刑事和解基本制度 11
5.1.1 适用的案件范围 11
5.1.2适用的条件 12
5.1.3适用的程序 12
5.1.4刑事和解的效力 13
5.2与刑事和解相应的配套措施 14
5.2.1落实和扩大检察机关酌定不起诉的自由裁量权 14
5.2.2完善刑事强制措施,扩大非监禁刑的适用 14
5.2.3改革刑事附带民事诉讼制度 14
5.2.4建立暂缓不起诉制度 14
5.2.5.国家建立被害人救助制度 15
5.2.6建立有效的监督机制 15
6结语 16
参考文献 17
附录 18
谢辞 19,2139

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