关键词:电子银行 黑客犯罪 电子银行监管 本文来自优'文.论-文|网
Legal Issues in Electronic Banking
ABSTRACT Taking the whole world in view, the e-commerce which depends on the rapid development of Internet, has been changing our thoughts, life and the way of act. And with the advent of the Internet age, information age has opened bright prospects for the future of the development of the traditional banking. Developing the Internet banking has been becomes the inevitable trend of the global banking industry, which is becoming the deep transformation in the financial area. And also, it has a significant impact on the development of the financial industry. With his rapid development of electronic banking, people also realize that the lag of laws in practice seriously affects the development of Internet banking.
The first part of this paper describes the profile of electronic banking, and compares electronic banking with the traditional banks, and outlines the legal relations of electronic banking. China's e-finance industry is in its infancy, and the speed of development is fast. Of course, many problems have emerged. Therefore, the second part of the paper discusses the legal problems found in the development of electronic banking in China. The problems such as, legal risk, legal loopholes and conflicts, hacker threats are striking. For which role can law serve to promote the development of China’s electronic banking, the third part of the paper makes a number of recommendations. To understand China’s e-banking development in the legal status, to play the role of financial electronic transactions, to develop better and faster of electronic banking, is the significance of this paper.毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
Keywords: Electronic banking Hacker crime Electronic banking supervision
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
引言 1
1 电子银行的概述 2
1.1电子银行的定义 .2
1.1.1 自助渠道服务 .2
1.1.2客户服务中心 2
1.1.3手机银行 3
1.1.4网上银行 3
1.1.5狭义的电子银行 3
1.2电子银行与传统银行的区别 3
1.2.1电子银行与传统银行的关系 3
1.2.2电子银行业务是传统银行业务的延伸 4
1.2.3电子银行比传统银行有巨大的优越性 4
1.3电子银行的一般法律关系 5
1.3.1持卡人与发卡银行 5
1.3.2持卡人与特约商户 6
1.3.3发卡银行与特约商户 6
2 我国电子银行发展中的法律问题 7
2.1电子银行法律法规不完善 7
2.2.2监管手段落后 .15
2.2.3法律法规不完善 .15
2.2.4技术规范和网上安全认证系统不完善、不统一 .15
3 解决我国电子银行法律问题的若干建议. 17
3.1.1借鉴发达国家的实践经验 .17
3.1.2调整我国电子银行监管制度 .20
3.2完善我国电子银行立法 .21
3.2.1制定电子银行法律法规 .21
3.2.2打击黑客犯罪 .24