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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

Fluent50吨钢包吹氩过程流场研究+钢包吹气数学模型 摘要:本研究以50t钢包作为研究对象,应用稳态过程连续性方程、动量Navier-Stokes方程及湍流双方程模型,利用Fluent计算软件和Tecplot图形处理软件对该钢包内的流场进行数值模拟计算,研究了不同位置、不同大小、不同数目的透气砖和不同的氩气吹气量对流场的影响。
Abstract :A 50t ladle has been taken as the research object for a flow field study in present paper. A simultaneous equations technique of the stable state process equation of continuity, momentum transport Navier-Stokes equation and the turbulent flow double equations model has been used to calculate the flow field of molten steel in 120t ladle. Gambit software for the net partition, Fluent software for the flow field calculation and Tecplot software for graphics processing to the ladle flow field in the numerical simulation have been used to get the flow field of molten steel in 120t ladle. The effect of different positions, different size, different numbers of purging plug and different argon gas blowing on the flow field have been investigated.
The results show that the argon bottom blowing in terms of single-hole and eccentric bottom blowing which produce the vertical flow and horizontal flow is more conducive to the mixing of the liquid steel and inclusions floating removal. And purging plug location is farther from the center,the effect is more better. For a large ladle, two-hole bottom argon blowing is better than the single-hole bottom blowing and stiring in the ladle is full, and the dead zone is reduced, and the mixing time is also reduced.
The results have also shown that no matter the single-hole or two-holes, the increase in the gas flow within a certain range can enhance the mixing of molten steel, and shorten the mixing time of liquid steel and slag, and has advantage the transfer of steel material and energy. But when the increase is above a certain value, the effect of the gas flow on mixing intensity is little.
KeyWords: ladle, argon bottom blowing, the flow field calculation, numerical simulation
目  录

1 文献综述 1
1.1 钢包运转过程处理 1
1.1.1 LF炉工艺 1
1.1.2 LF设备特点 1
1.2流场计算方面的软件 2
1.2.1 Fluent的工程应用背景[5] 2
1.2.2 Fluent的前置模块Gambit及其特点 4
1.2.3 Exceed软件介绍及其特点 6
1.3 我国吹氩钢包流数值模拟现状 6
2 钢包吹气的数学模型 10
2.1控制方程[13,14] 10
2.2 边界条件 10
3 计算结果及分析讨论 11
3.1 计算对象和钢包尺寸 11
3.2单孔底吹流场计算结果及分析讨论 12
3.2.1 单孔中心底吹结果 12
3.2.2 单孔1/3R底吹结果 15
3.2.3 单孔1/2R底吹结果 17
3.2.4 单孔底吹流场分析讨论 19
3.2.5 吹气流量对流场的影响 20
3.2.6  透气砖直径对流场的影响 21
3.3 双孔底吹流场计算结果及分析讨论 22
3.3.1 双孔1/3R底吹结果 22
3.3.2 双孔1/2R底吹结果 24
4 结论 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29,3469

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