从2008年下半年开始,因为现金枯竭的企业倒闭潮席卷全球。在这场金融危机中,中国许多企业因为资金链断裂而倒闭,其中不乏大企业。资金短缺已经成为许多企业的共病,许多企业都能体会到现金为王的含义,因而企业对现金流的掌控就变得愈发重要。金融危机下,稳定充足的现金流是企业应对危机、稳健经营、健康发展的重要保证。 本文来自!优~文^论#&网(原文请找腾讯3249,114
关键词 现金流量 现金流量管理 金融危机
目 录重修菩萨山庙宇捐款倡议书
1 引言1
2 现金流量的概述2
2.1 现金流量的基本概念2
2.2 现金流量管理的基本概念3
3 金融危机对企业现金流量的影响5
3.1 金融危机对企业经营活动现金流量的影响5
3.2 金融危机对企业投资活动现金流量的影响6
3.3 金融危机对企业筹资活动现金流量的影响7
4 应对金融危机对企业现金流量影响的对策9
4.1 应对经营活动现金流量影响的对策9
4.2 应对投资活动现金流量影响的对策10
4.3 应对筹资活动现金流量影响的对策11
结束语 13
Title The Impact and Countermeasure of Financial Crisis on Cash Flow
From the second half of 2008, as cash dried up business closures sweeping across the world,some big companies even did not get through it.Shortage of cash flow has become a common disease in many enterprises,Until the shortage of funds has become a common disease in many enterprises, many enterprises to realize the meaning of the cash is king.Thus the control of business cash flow becomes more important.
In the context of the financial crisis, stability and adequate cash flow has become corporate response to the crisis, the sound operation and an important guarantee for the healthy development.
Based on explaining the definition of the cash flow and the cash flow management,the paper analysised the affect on the cash flow In the context of financial crisis.Then by combining the characteristics of our business cash flow,the paper presented in the context of the financial crisis to solve cash flow impact on our business response.
Keywords Cash Flow Cash Flow Management Financial Crisis2736
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