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更新时间:2014-6-29:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要
关键词:MCS-51单片机; 温湿度控制; 硬件原理图; 程序框图;
Voice alarm temperature、 humidity monitor design
    Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, especially with a large-scale integrated circuits, to human life has been a fundamental change. Especially monolithic integrated circuit applications has entered the tens of thousands of households. Industrial production in temperature and humidity are charged with common parameters, the typical temperature and humidity control system to study with a very broad meaning.
In this paper from both hardware and software introduced the MCS-51 microcontroller temperature and humidity control system design, hardware schematic diagram and the process was simple description. Through this design makes me understand how to design SCM temperature and humidity control and design of methods and steps to achieve, but also enabled me to further deepen the understanding of SCM temperature control for future study and work accumulated many valuable experience.
Key word: MCS-51 single-chip; Temperature and humidity control ; Hardware schematic diagram; Flow cha                               
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 开发的依据 1
1.3  方案及其论证 1
1.4 存在的问题和解决的方法 2
1.5 功能及技术指标 2
2  硬件 3
2.1 MCS-51单片机简介 3
2.2复位与震荡电路设计 6
2.2.1复位电路设计 6
2.2.2震荡电路设计 7
2.3 LCD液晶显示器 8
2.4 DHT21芯片简介及数据传输方式 10
2.4.1  DHT21芯片的介绍 10
2.4.2 DHT21数据的传输方式 11
2.5 温湿度控制仪硬件电路图设计 14
3  软件设计 16
3.1 程序设计的总体流程 16
3.2延时程序设计 17
3.3 温湿度动控制流程图与程序 20
3.4 接收温湿度数据的设计 22
3.5 调节给定的额定温湿度 24
4 总结 28
参考文献 29
附 录 31
附录1 31
附录2 32
附录3 32
附录4 32
附录5 40
谢辞 44

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