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更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

摘    要
本文详细阐述了在博创公司的UP-TECHPXA270-S 教学科研平台上实现基于嵌入式Linux系统和QT4图形界面显示终端的过程。
关键词: 嵌入式Linux QT4 GUI
GUI design based on the QT
At present, the rapid development of embedded systems, a wide range of applications. Based on Qt / E embedded GUI design to become part of the country and the focus of the direction of enterprise support. With the current variety of handheld devices, wireless devices and information appliances, such as the rapid development of embedded products, the corresponding design of embedded hardware and software technology is also undergoing profound changes. Today, more and more embedded devices need Graphical User Interface (GUI), a good Graphical User Interface design of embedded systems is a key technology to greatly improve the efficiency of human-computer interaction.
   Described in detail in this article, The UP-TECHPXA270-S teaching and research platform based on embedded systems and Linux display terminal QT4 GUI process.
   In this paper, the project " Multimedia Browser based on the linux platform & QT4" as an example, graphical user interface of the system, as well as the realization of such functions are described.

Key word: Embedded Linux QT4 GUI
目  录
摘要 I
1  前言 6
1.1选题背景 6
1.2选题目标 6
1.3需求分析 7
1.3.1用户需求分析 7
1.3.2功能需求分析 7
1.4 本章小结 9
2  QT4的GUI简介 10
2.1 QT的背景介绍 10
2.2 QT实现的结构原理 10
2.3 QT应用程序的实现 11
2.4 本章小结 12
3  系统框架描述 13
3.1 系统模块 13
3.2 主要功能 13
3.3平台简介 14
3.4 UP-TECHPXA270-S核心模块资源 15
3.5 本章小结 16
4  详细设计 17
4.1主界面设计 18
4.2播放器模块设计 20
4.2.1 MPlayer在嵌入式开发系统中的应用 20
4.2.2 QT中调用Mplayer 20
4.2.3 播放器模块GUI界面设计 22
4.3网页浏览器模块设计 23
4.3.1 Webkit引擎 23
4.3.2 QT调用Webkit类和实现方法 23
4.3.3网页浏览器GUI界面设计 25
4.4数码相框模块设计 25
4.4.1 QT的绘图设备 25
4.4.2 数码相框的接口函数 26
4.4.3 mount相关函数的使用 28
4.4.4 数码相框的GUI界面设计 29
4.5 时间设置模块设计 30
4.6 QT自定义风格样式设计 31
4.7 局域聊天模块设计 33
4.7.1 服务端设计 33
4.7.2 客户端设计 34
4.8 Tslib与触摸屏 35
4.8.1 触摸屏原理 35
4.8.2 Tslib 1.4的编译 37
4.8.3 TsLib的相关配置 37
4.9 本章小结 38
5 交叉编译与环境配置 39
5.1 Linux内核裁剪与烧写 39
5.2 编译QTE源码 40
5.3交叉编译与环境配置 41
5.4移植运行库和字体库 42
5.5设置开发板连接以太网 43
5.6运行程序 43
5.7 本章小结 43
6  测试及运行结果 44
6.1 测试目标 44
6.2 测试预期结果 44
6.3 运行结果 45
6.4 本章小结 48
7  论文总结 49
参考文献 50
附录 51
谢辞 60

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